
No Lies Just BS

Listen to Nick Swartz tell stories about his life. From growin' up in the small VA mountain town of Clifton Forge to his entry into and career in the tattoo industry. All the rough upbringin', punk rock, family, country, skateboardin', good eatin', blues, ass-kickin', tattooed, hard to believe but addictin' to perceive bullshit that can be packed into each episode. His brother Josh helps out and the guests are the best of the best.
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Dec 26, 2017

Mike Rubendall, owner of Kings Ave. Tattoo in New York talks with Nick about  Everence - a method of encapsulating DNA in the form of a powder that can then be mixed into tattoo inks. He's joined by Tim Hendricks and Scott Sylvia who are both out in California to discuss the project as well.

As usual for Nick, they discuss quite a few other things as they bullshit, so don't worry about that. Also, these dudes aren't chilling at Alley Cat with Nick, either. They're in three different cities, so this all had to be organized over the internet. Some audio issues occur, but Nick explains all that in the intro. It's worth overlooking to hear what these legends all have to say.

This episode contains some important information, so Shop Talk takes a break this week. So if you're new to the show, be sure and keep listening so you don't miss out. Alright, enjoy everybody!

Dec 19, 2017

Living in Harrisonburg and working at Alley Cat has led to the creation of some great, lasting friendships with a lot of cool people over the years. This is the story of one of them.

All the way from sunny (and smoky) California where he runs the show at his restaurant Cueva Bar comes Nicks old friend from the 'Burg, Oz the Chef.

Listen as Oz talks about the trials and tribulations of his life in America and how they led not only to eventually becoming great friends with Nick, but also finding his beautiful wife and becoming a chef. A great time, for sure.

Stick around for more of Andrew Conner and Chris Porter as they bullshit with Nick about another week of great tattoos on Shop Talk. Hell yeah!

Dec 12, 2017

On our recent VA Beach trip, Nick got to meet and sit down with Annette LaRue and Steve Tiberi from Electromagnetic Tattoo in Chesapeake, VA.

This episode kicks ass right out of the gate, so you definitely don't want to miss it as we finally get a woman's perspective of doing tattoos and dealin' with all that comes with it. It's not what you'd expect and so much more.

Keep up the crazy with your favorite Shop Talkers, too!

Dec 5, 2017

We got Tony Riccio back on the show! The third show from the VA Beach trip and it's a great one. Nick and Tony talk about the history of some of the shops in the VA Beach area and discuss Tony's new shop: Saltwater Tattoo and his killer crew.

As always, we finish things up with a Shop Talk featuring Nick, Porter, and Andrew... and just a lil' bit of Richie. Check it out!

Nov 28, 2017

Alright everyone, welcome to Scott Sterling's fourth appearance on No Lies. Or is it five? Who know? Always great to have him on, though. He gives us some great stories and useful information for almost two hours and even gets some good shit outta Nick.

Stick around for Shop Talk and keep on listenin' to the show!

Nov 21, 2017

This is one Nick's been trying to get to for a while and it's finally here. Great storytelling and history from the one and only JD Crowe. If you're in or around the industry in any way, shape or form you've heard his name. The entire planet has seen the designs he's been selling for years. In his own words, before tattoo artists had Google, he WAS google for all these people.

The conversation is great and you'll be wanting more when it's over, so you'll have to come down smoothly with a Shop Talk. Y'all enjoy.

Nov 14, 2017

Back when there was a hair salon attached to Alley Cat Tattoo, Nick became good friends with one of the barbers named Tyrone. They're still homies 'til this day. I don't need to say anything else about Tyrone except that you should listen and I'd be surprised if you're not!

Shop Talk brings it home. You know the deal!

Nov 7, 2017

Mike Skiver is a legend in the tattoo industry. Known for being a tattoo historian and curator of the Tattoo Museum, Skiver has been around in the industry for a long time. He's also kinda crazy and unpredictable to hang out with. Listen as Nick finds out all this and more first hand.

Since Skiver is not someone you talk to for more than an hour, Nick is joined by Josh to talk about sixty episodes and to bullshit about what happened after returning from Florida that screwed up summer long ago. Then, of course, there's a Shop Talk.

Oct 31, 2017

(Episode formerly called "Shuhari")

Nick and Andrew have been friends with the great Mr. Will Lollie for over twenty years and you can tell when these three sit down and jump right in to a super interesting discussion going all the way back. Will came down from King's Ave. Tattoo in NY for this episode to tell some of the craziest and most interesting history you will hear about getting into tattoos. It's a great one and great for us listening in on these great friends.

Another quality Shop Talk wraps things up in the end, of course. Listen up and check 'em out.

Oct 24, 2017

*...formerly titled "Conspiracy"

At the Richmond Tattoo and Arts Festival, Nick is joined by Mike Dorsey from Cincinnati and Brian Bruno from Absolute Art in Richmond, VA.

Listen and learn so many things you didn't know were happening in the world today. Lots of fun and interesting ideas are shared and Nick's mind is blown by these two evil geniuses. Just as things get to point where you think it can't get and stranger, we reel you back down to reality with a Shop Talk.

The time flies by as you listen to these three great friends talk. So open your third eye and free your mind and enjoy the hell outta this one.

Oct 17, 2017

*...formerly titled "Cobrahead"

Long time friend and excellent artist Hunter Spanks came down to the Richmond Tattoo & Arts Festival from Read Street tattoo where he works in Baltimore and hung out with Nick for a few hours and laid down some great stories. Lots of history and shared acquaintances, as usual, on this one and just an all-around great vibe from a great dude.

Check it out and stick around for the Shop Talk with Nick, Andrew and Porter and where you'll get to hear Alley Cat Tattoo's first new hire in a long while - Richie Stutler - one month in say: "Hello."

Oct 10, 2017

*...formerly titled "Crime"

Steve-O is back and I'm not talkin' about the guy from Jackass. Long time member of the Alley Cat family and frequent mention on the podcast joins us at the Richmond Tattoo and Arts Festival, just like he did in Rochester and this is just a kickass episode where we get to sit in on one of a billion conversations he's had with Nick. This time on some good shit they both love.

Stick around, though - stick around! There's an oversized - big panther - sized Shop Talk to follow where Nick, Andrew and Porter discuss two or three panther tattoos each. It's a good one!

Oct 3, 2017

*...formerly titled "Poked"

Road trippin' down from the Great Not-So-White North this week we've got Dave Calavante and Matthew Knopp from Tattoo Paradise in D.C. and Mr. John Rippey from Key City Tattoo in Maryland.

We got to hang out with these dudes this past weekend at the Richmond Tattoo Convention and now, as we gather our faculties from events that may or may not have transpired at the Tat Con, let's all enjoy this heapin' servin' o' podcast from Nick's packed corner office at Alley Cat Tattoo in the heart of the Shenandoah Valley in kick-ass Harrisonburg, VA. There's some great stories and a few fun callbacks in this one.

Shop Talk follows, of course, with Misters Porter and Conner adding to the mix as we head right into our big one year anniversary comin' up. Don't skip the intro on this one as Nick announces somethin' super fuckin' cool for that!

Sep 26, 2017

*...formerly titled "Leather"

If you've listened for long enough you've heard mention of A Captive Bead Company where Nick used to make body jewelry. Well Nick worked for and with Adam Herstine and his brother Troy, who also owned Alley Cat before Nick.

Well, we've got Adam on here this time and the laughs are never ending. Nick and Adam take a trip down memory lane with a ton of stories from their days on the road for A Captive Bead as well as lots of other shenanigans over the years. You won't stop smiling when you hear these good friends talking shit.

Settle back down with another satisfying Shop Talk and you got yourself an episode!

Sep 19, 2017

*...formerly titled "Kid"

Comin' up from Empire Tattoo down in Asheville, NC - Devin Burnett talks about becoming a tattooer in the Instagram Age. Nick breaks his balls for a while and finds out how "J.D." put in the work and the hours and the blood, sweat and thousands of dollars to break in to this industry we all love. If there's a right way to do it these days, Devin probably got as close as you can to it.

Porter joins in around the halfway mark and things start gettin' loose from there. Good times and good stories, followed by a Shop Talk to end things up the right way with Nick, Porter and Mr. Andrew Conner.

Sep 12, 2017

*...formerly titled "Energy"

Dean Schubert of Dean Visual Tattoo all the way out in Arcata, CA rode across the U.S. of A. on his motorcycle, tattooing himself in every state on the way and stopped in only one tattoo shop: Alley Cat Tattoo - where he got the chance to lay down some excellent bullshit with Nick.

Although they had only just met online, Nick and Dean tell some truly entertaining tales and put together a classic episode you won't want to miss. You're all gonna love this one. This is why we do it, y'all.

Shop Talk closes things out as usual with your buddies Andrew and Porter joining the master bullshitter to discuss some serious tattoos.


Sep 5, 2017

*...formerly titled "Spirals"

You've heard him on the Shop Talks already, now sit down with Nick and Ugly Tom as they talk about his tattoo journeys, a lot of shared experiences in and out of the industry, some Absolute gems (of course) and even a deep dive into the mind of a man who can only describe a period of his life as having gone, quite literally, crazy. Good fuckin' times.

This begins our journey to 100, so thanks for sticking around for so long everyone. Lots of fun times and bullshit coming up. Don't look for any lies. Just strap in and enjoy Tom's stories and then a Shop Talk.

Aug 29, 2017

*...formerly titled "Sweater"

Fifty fuckin' episodes. Good times. Great journey. So many guests. So many great stories. This one is special. We've got George Archer from Tantrum Tattoo down in Petersburg. George hung out with Nick and Andrew for some good storytelling. Mr. Archer and Mr. Conner also each did a custom painting to be given away in celebration of No Lies Just Bullshit reaching fifty episodes.

Thanks to everyone who participated in sharing the show and trying to win a painting. And thanks to all of the listeners who have kept us going through all fifty. It's been a great ride that will only get better. So enjoy the talk with George, all of the music that appears in the episode - including our first go at a theme for the show featuring music performed by the awesome Brian Gray - thanks, Brian! - and finish things off right with another Shop Talk.

Enjoy number fifty y'all.

Aug 22, 2017

*...formerly titled "And"

Nick completes the current Absolute Art crew by sitting down with master fisherman and tattooer Mike Rennie. He's been called out on a bunch of episodes and Nick finally tracked him down in Richmond. Every now and then you can also hear Josh Arment in the background here as well.

Good old stories as well as some great relevant conversation on the industry today. This is yet another great episode leading right into big number fifty. No lies. Just... bullshit. Y'all. And Shop Talk. Definitely Shop Talk.

Aug 15, 2017

*...formerly titled "Playstation"

Nick finally got to sit down and bullshit with another master bullshitter that everyone knows and loves. Beau Beau Butler from Richmond VA's legendary punk band Avail. Lots and lots of great stories here from the tattoo and music worlds. Lots of fun and straight talking. You're going to love it.

Shop Talk follows with Nick, Andrew and Porter and one more time Ugly Tom joins in on the shenanigans.

Aug 8, 2017

*...formerly titled "Snake"

If you haven't heard part one, go check out Episode 46. Or not... either way there's some great stories, snakes & songs on this one with Jason Hobbie from Absolute Art, bullshittin' with Nick.

Ugly Tom sits in on another Shop Talk with Nick, Andrew and Porter.


Aug 1, 2017

*...formerly titled "Interrupt"

Another killer episode from Nick's recent Richmond trip. And this kickass piece o' podcastin' is only the first of two parts with Jason Hobbie of Absolute Art in Richmond. In this episode you get to hear some amazing tales of great family, a bit of luck and a lot of legends of the industry.

You're in for another super special Shop Talk to follow as Nick, Porter and Andrew are joined by Mr. Tom Michael - otherwise known as Ugly Tom for a long talk about SKULLS.

Keep listening, keep bullshittin'.

Jul 25, 2017

*...formerly titled "War"

Nick is joined by Ryan "Braces" Wall of Black Rabbit Tattoo in Richmond, VA. The frontman for hardcore asskickers Bracewar and former Absolute Art shop guy chills with Nick for some good bullshit.

Shop Talk holds things down like you love.

Jul 18, 2017

*...formerly titled "Punk"

Nick talks with Andrew Conner once agian for a good long time. The Alley Cat artist and longtime friend waxes poetic on musical influences and artistic inspiration as he reminisces with Nick about growin' up punk and slightly hip-hop and fully rad.

Enjoy the hell out of this one, bullshitters and stick around for the Shop Talk, of course!

Jul 11, 2017

*...formerly titled "Uphill"

Local legend and Alley Cat all-star Mister Chris Porter is back with his second full-length sit down with Nick for some deep down bullshit.

Stick around for Shop Talk for even more Nick & Porter and a healthy dose of Andrew Conner.

Good fuckin' times.

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