
No Lies Just BS

Listen to Nick Swartz tell stories about his life. From growin' up in the small VA mountain town of Clifton Forge to his entry into and career in the tattoo industry. All the rough upbringin', punk rock, family, country, skateboardin', good eatin', blues, ass-kickin', tattooed, hard to believe but addictin' to perceive bullshit that can be packed into each episode. His brother Josh helps out and the guests are the best of the best.
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Dec 31, 2019

Uncle Dave is back to give us some more insight into life and some of the things you should be considering, enjoying and experiencing. There's some great stories reaching back into the history of Alley Cat and Nick & Dave's friendship.

This should be the last week without a Shop Talk, so we'll try and get Andrew and Porter back onto the show as quickly as possible!

Dec 24, 2019

Nick's old friend Dave Kruseman drove down from Maryland to hang out for the afternoon at Alley Cat Tattoo. Dave brought his shop manager Carey to sit down with Nick and Andrew for a couple hours to just catch up and shoot the shit. Lots of fun stories!. Still no Shop Talk this week due to hectic schedules but Nick, Andrew and Porter should be back after the first of the year. Merry Christmas!

Dec 17, 2019

Southern blues rockers and friends of the podcast Brother Hawk stopped by Harrisonburg during their recent tour and sat down once again with Nick and talked a LOT of shit and had another great time. You will too.

Holiday schedules & shit have made things crazy around Alley Cat and so there's not a Shop Talk at the end of this one, however: there's a version of a Shop Talk in the form of Nick & the Bro-Hawks talkin' about a couple classic songs that you won't wanna miss. Porter & Andrew will return soon. Enjoy!

Dec 10, 2019

While attending the Inksmith & Rogers anniversary party down in fascinating Florida, Nick chills out with the amazing Scotty Knuckles and his ol' lady for a while. Sara hangs out too and everybody has a great time and there's a ton of stories and history laid down. It's a great episode you won't wanna miss.

Porter & Andrew jump on for some excellent tat discussion with another edition of Shop Talk to wrap it up. Here we go!

Dec 3, 2019

For this week's episode, Nick and Sara hit the road heading south to the Inksmith and Rogers 35th anniversary party. There was plenty going on, but Nick found the chance to spend some time with the man himself, Eric Inksmith. With contributions from Shane Enholm, Angelo Miller, Mac Bibby and Deb Yarian, we know you're gonna dig this one.

Stick around for Shop Talk with the three amigos: Nick, Andrew and Porter.

Nov 26, 2019

While workin' for a while at Alley Cat Tattoo in Harrisonburg, John Glessner form Key City Tattoo up in MD hangs out with Nick & Porter and tells a few stories, but mainly listens to some good ones from Porter and a whole lotta bullshit from Nick. Richie & Jake stop by for a while and it's just a great time that you're going to have to hear for yourself.

Shop Talk wraps things up with Andrew, too. So listen to the crew discuss some killer tattoos and the artists who are doing them.

Nov 19, 2019

Iain O Nuallain is the new artist for Absolute Art Tattoo in Richmond. All friends of the show, if you've been listening for any time at all to NLJBS, you know how much Absolute Art means to Nick and to VA and tattooing in general. When Dave hit the road and Iain stepped in, you knew Nick would eventually sit down with him, and here it is! This is a crazy episode filled with some wild stories from a super interesting dude. Check it out.

Shop Talk is back! Porter and Andrew return to discuss some of the best recent tattoos with Nick. Enjoy.

Nov 12, 2019

While in town to check out the Shane Inholm show a while back, Nate Harmon and his buddy stop by to hang out with Nick and tell some stories about tattooin' and music and a crazy life in and out of shops. It's a wild one and a great time so be sure and check it out.

There is no Shop Talk this week. Nick & Sara took off to Florida and the crew has been holdin' it down and keepin' things busy. Andrew and Porter will return next week to talk about some more sweet tats!

Nov 5, 2019

Nick and Trevor hit the road a while back down to North Carolina to the event held by the Tattoo Historical Society and while they were there, Nick got the chance to sit down with Andreas Coenen who came all the way from The Sinner & The Saint tattoo studio in Aachen, Germany to attend the event. There's a lot of interesting comparison to shops over in Deutschland and how things are done, as well as some great discussion about the books that Andreas has been publishing over the years. It's an all-around interesting discussion with a great tattoo artist from overseas that you don't often get a chance to hear about over here.

Andrew had to sit out of this week's Shop Talk, but the mighty John Glesner joins in the discussion with Nick and Porter and lots of good fun is had as they tell you about some killer tattoos.

Oct 29, 2019

Morgan Wade is from Floyd, VA which is just south of Roanoke, which is just south of Harrisonburg, so you know - the beautiful mountains of Virginia. She's got a lot of stories with her and a guitar, so you'll get plenty of great bullshit between her and Nick and even a few tunes for you to enjoy this raspy country treasure. Don't sleep on this one, y'all!

Shop Talk swoops in and throws some excellent tattoos in your face while you share some fun examination of the art with your homeboys Porter, Andrew and Nick. Hell yeah! NLJBS

Oct 22, 2019

Big Jaz is a tattoo artist from Brooklyn, NY where his shop Electric Gorilla is located. You might recognized his name from a little show called "Inkmasters." Well, at the Richmond Tattoo Arts Festival this year, Nick had a chance to sit down with Big Jaz and discuss that a little bit as well as a ton of other stories and good times.

Check it out and stick around for the Shop Talk where we are joined by Any Papa in a Storm, Porter and Mr. Andrew as they discuss cool tattoos with Nick. Yes.

Oct 15, 2019

No Lies Just Bullshit veteran and master of storytellin' and tattoo machines Scott Sterling was visiting Alley Cat and joined Nick for a good little bullshit session. Lots of great stories and good times on this one, for sure.

New father Chris Porter rejoins the gang to discuss killer tattoos and happy wives & kids for an excellent and lengthy Shop Talk. Nick & Andrew are there as well, of course. Enjoy it!

Oct 8, 2019

Morgan Pennypacker returns to the NLJBS studios and brings along good friend Diablo Dimes who brings along several guitars and proceeds to lay down some serious blues tracks and some seriously wonderful stories. We've also got appearances by Trevor and returning musician and frequent character in Nick's stories: Schuyler. He joins Diablo on a few tunes and the we wrap things up with another awesome Shop Talk with Nick, Porter & Andrew and one more guest spot by the awesome Gary Gearhardt. Hell of an episode!

Oct 1, 2019
Joe Capobianco & Jime Litwalk have been at the forefront of new school tattooing since the mid-90s. On their way to a tattoo convention in North Carolina, they decided to stop and visit the NLJBS studios for a marathon podcast fueled by whiskey, memories and bullshit. Nick, Joe and Jime are joined by the incomparable Andrew Conner and the quartet went over everything from Long island tattooing in the early 90s to the new school aesthetic in today's scene. Hell yeah.
A very special Shop Talk brings this one in over four hours as Gary Gearhardt joins Nick, Andrew and Porter to discuss some fine tattoos that have been done and displayed on the 'Gram & shared around shops all over the world. School's in.
Sep 24, 2019

On a trip to Alley Cat for his son to get tattooed by the amazing Andrew Conner, Mr. Eric Fischer takes the time to fire up a cigar and shoot the shit with Nick over in his office. If you love hearing tales of the old days in the tattoo industry, you're going to greatly enjoy this episode. Learn some shit and appreciate the history. This is a great one. The airwaterdiver does not fail to deliver.

Shop Talk wraps up the storytelling as usual with the aforementioned Mr. Conner joining Nick and the Porter for some excellent tattoo appreciation. Enjoy.

Sep 17, 2019

Shane Enholm returns once again after some traveling on the road, playing shows and visiting sites all around. He stops by the No Lies Just Bullshit studios (for this episode located in a hotel in Richmond) and brings along Nate Harmon and they shoot the shit with Nick for a good while talking about all kinds of history, locations and events focusing on around tattooing.

Porter and Andrew join in for another fun and meandering Shop Talk where the boys sing the praises of some excellent tattooing with a sprinkling of stories thrown in for good measure. Enjoy!

Sep 10, 2019

Jill "Horiyuki" Bonny has been doing Japanese style tattooing for over twenty years and is the owner of Studio Kazoku in San Francisco. Her experience and knowledge of tattooing is vast but her humility and attitude make her very approachable in any setting. Two years ago when Nick was first invited to attend Pagoda City, he was talking to Justin Weatherholtz (NLJBS alumni,) who asked if their was anyone that Nick would like him to connect him with before hand to do a podcast. Nick responded with one name: Jill Bonny. Her work has always been impressive as Nick has a strong love of Japanese style tattooing but he had never even seen a picture of her. Nick just knew that he wanted to talk with her. Jill's passion for tattooing and her desire to honor her mentors is very apparent in this episode. One of the things is most enjoyable about this podcast is her understanding of not just tattoo culture but of Japanese culture. In very simple terms she explains the etiquette required to conduct these interviews and maintain her relationships with these Masters and their families. It cannot be overstated: Nick's affinity for Jill and how much it means to him that she is a part of his life and this podcast is evident in what you hear on this episode. Andrew participates in the conversation, then appears again in Shop Talk, along with Nick and, of course, Porter.

Sep 3, 2019

While at the Pagoda City Tattoo Festival this year, Nick got to make good with a promise to sit down with the one and only Dan Sin and appreciate his tattoos, his accent and his opinions on Europe and the States. It's not a long podcast, but just as memorable as the rest as Nick and Dan share some stories, some laughs and a lot of fun that you'll appreciate.

Shop Talk wraps it up as usual with some seriously good tattoo talk with Porter and Andrew and their weekly show of appreciation and camaraderie with Nick.

Aug 27, 2019

Skinny, Chris and Brandon from Made to Last Tattoo in Charlotte, NC join Nick for an evening of stories while attending the Pagoda City Tattoo Convention. There's a ton of crossover, memories and crazy stories and even a special appearance by AJ from Kings Ave. towards the end. It's a heck of a good time, so don't miss out.

Shop Talk wraps things up as the boys talk about some seriously killer tattoos. Find out what Nick, Porter and Andy are up to at the end of this summer. Bet.

Aug 20, 2019

Angelo Miller from Inksmith & Rogers and Erik Desmond from Loyalty Tattoo in New York have a long sit down with Nick as they discuss a lot of old stories coming up in the tattoo business and share their ideas on how things are and should be. Lots of tattoo discussion on this one, so you know what to expect.

Shop Talk wraps it up as Nick, Porter and Andrew discuss some truly amazing tattoos.

Aug 13, 2019

If you've listened to the show at all, you know how big a deal that the Richmond band Avail is to everyone involved and the majority of guests who've been on the show. If you've listened recently you have probably heard Nick talk about the reunion of Avail. Well this entire episode describes just how that went for Nick, Porter, and Blake Kramer (Troutmouth) and their friends. It's a fun, passionate discussion.

Shop Talk is back this week with the return of Andrew and some serious tattoo love. Enjoy.

Aug 6, 2019

James Hughes is back again to record another episode with Nick so sit back and enjoy a ton of stories and good times throughout this one. There's not a Shop Talk to wrap it up this time, but Andrew does join for a bit. Nick just returned from the Pagoda City Tattoo Festival, so expect to hear a lot about that down the road, too. Enjoy.

Jul 30, 2019

Curt Baer from Iron Mountain Tattoo in Redding, CA hopped on a plane as soon as he secured his ticket to the Avail show so that he could hang out with Nick and see some of ol' VA before the big night.

This episode is super fun and you can feel the excitement for what happened in Richmond recently. A bunch of the Alley Cat gang join in at the end for some good times, too. Then Nick & Porter wrap it up with a duo Shop Talk while Andrew takes care o' business.

Jul 23, 2019

While Nick was down in Richmond recently, he got to record a killer episode with Jelena Wolves from Black Rabbit Tattoo in RVA and Cody Klein, or "Cody Inksmith" as Nick would say, from Inksmith & Rogers Tattoo down in Florida. Lots of history and great tattoo talk as well as plain old good life advice in this one, folks.

Wrap it up like you always do by stickin' around for the Shop Talk. Porter & Andrew join Nick and discuss some tattoos that you will want to see too. Oh yeah.

Jul 16, 2019

Slim Brown is back in the NLJBS studios for a second time to hang out with Nick and shoot the shit in true No Lies fashion. Trevor comes in for a bit and then Jake shows up to hang out and Richie joins the boys, too and makes this a super fun hangout.

Shop Talk wraps things up, as always, with Porter & Andrew joining Nick to talk about some of the best tattoos. Good times.

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