It's still twenty-twenty. Lockdowns, masks, no travel, etc. What better time than now for Nick to just sit down with one of the legit main Alley Cat Tattoo crew? This time we've got Mr. Jake Hockman, several year veteran but still youngblood of Alley Cat, Jake has seen and done a ton o' shit since he began working in the 'Burg. You get to hear Nick walk him back through these last several killer years as well as what led up to him takin' a station in Rocktown. It's a non-stop super comfortable good time of a storytellin' session. And while there's not a regular Shop Talk on this one, you're gonna get to hear about a ton of tattooers and even more killer tats as they break down a bunch of their own and others, so you're not missin' out. Andrew and Porter will return soon. Enjoy!